Karan MV

Director, International Developer Relations


I lead International Developer Relations at GitHub – an organization and product supporting developers across the world. As a part of my day job, I work on supporting developers across various regions, and also supporting global programs.

Scaling DevRel internationally: An overview

DevRel programs and professionals often either have a global focus or a regional focus, with professionals around the world. Both are useful approaches depending on the resources, strategy, product and audience of an organization. In this talk, I’ll discuss about how you can take regional-focussed programs globally, and how you can extend global-focussed programs regionally – thereby increasing the impact of developer relations and aligning it better for a business.

Other DevRelCon Bengaluru speakers

The global DevRelCon series is brought to you by Hoopy.

Talk to us about developer relations training, strategy, research, and execution support for your team.


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